Intellectual Stimulation and Team Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Cut Flower Industry in Kenya


  • Mary W Kiai United States International University – Africa
  • Damary Sikalieh United States International University – Africa
  • Teresia K Lingeh United States International University – Africa


Cut flower industry, Intellectual stimulation, small and medium enterprises, Team performance


This study aimed to examine the effect of intellectual stimulation on team performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the cut flower industry in Kenya. This study employed a positivism research philosophy and utilized a descriptive correlational research design. The study population consisted of 640 senior and middle-level managers from 62 SMEs in the cut flower industry in Kenya. A total of 271 participants were selected for the study using a combination of stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The collection of primary data involved the use of a questionnaire guide. Using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, data analysis was done by descriptive statistical analysis (means and standard deviations) and multiple linear regression analysis. The study results demonstrated that innovativeness had a positive and significant influence on team performance (β = 0.283, t = 5.073, p < 0.05). The study findings further revealed that employee empowerment positively and significantly influenced team performance (β = 0.183, t = 2.587, p = 0.010). Additionally, the findings demonstrate that knowledge sharing had a positive and significant influence on team performance (β = 0.206, t = 2.942, p = 0.004). The results further showed that the intellectual stimulation of leaders has a significant positive influence on team performance in SMEs in the cut flower industry in Kenya (β = 0.673, t = 14.895, p < 0.05). This study recommends that leaders in SMEs in the cut flower industry should challenge team members to think differently and to promote individual and team growth. In addition, leaders in SMEs should introduce rewards and recognition for motivating teams. Moreover, leaders in SMEs in the cut flower industry should establish organizational practices and policies that support the use of existing skills, provide equal opportunities for staff development and encourage participation in decision-making.


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How to Cite

Kiai, M. W., Sikalieh, D., & Lingeh, T. K. (2024). Intellectual Stimulation and Team Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Cut Flower Industry in Kenya. The University Journal, 6(2), 28–40.